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Legal notice

Legal notice and privacy policy

In accordance with Law 15/1999 on Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), and Royal Decree 1720/2007 on the implementation of the LOPD, we inform you that the use of certain services on our website requires that you provide us with certain personal information via registration forms or by sending email messages, and that these will be processed and incorporated into Casas de Outeiro. files, as owner and responsible entity. The sending of personal data referred to constitute the explicit consent to process the same, albeit revocable and with no retroactive effect.

We also inform you that all our files are legally registered in the General Register of Personal Data of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, and also that in order to safeguard the security of your personal data we shall apply the technical and organisational security measures required in Royal Decree 1720/2007, which regulates the regulation of safety measures of files containing personal data.

The data we ask you for is appropriate, pertinent and that which is strictly necessary for the purpose for which it is gathered, and in no circumstances are you obliged to provide it. You also certify that all the information you provide is true, accurate and relevant to the purpose for which it is requested.

Our website gathers your personal data by receiving various forms and via e-mail where you may request any type of information, clarification or queries, and even send us your curriculum vitae. Sending this information implies your permission to incorporate it into our files concerned, if Casas de Outeiro sees fit, and it will be subject to the present privacy policies. Your data will be incorporated into our data processing files. Casas de Outeiro reserves the right to decide the inclusion or otherwise of personal data in their files.

You can at any time object to our commercial shipments and exercise your rights of access, rectification and cancellation in the terms established by law, and you can this methods for that:

  • 1) sending a letter of request to Casas de Outeiro, C/Fontao, 15, Samos, Lugo (EspaƱa)
  • 2) sending a email to

Casas de Outeiro informs you that your data is treated confidentially and used only internally and for the purposes stated. Therefore, we do not give or communicate your information to any third party, except as provided by law or as expressly authorised by the user. In order to safeguard the security of your personal data, please note that Casas de Outeiro has taken all necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data supplied, against any modification, loss and treatment or unauthorised access as required by the Royal Decree 1720/2007 which regulates the security measures regulation for files containing data of a personal nature.

Casas de Outeiro may modify these privacy policies to adapt to changes occurring on our website, as well as changes in legislation or case law on personal data that may appear, and they are therefore required reading every time you provide your information via this website.